the blog


Mar 28

Top 5: Wedding Cake Flavors

For anyone who knows me, one of the first things they learn about me is that I have a major love affair with food, but more specifically sweets. I love my sweets: cookies, brownies, pies, cakes… you name it! And there is nothing better than nearing the end of a wedding reception and getting a […]


Jan 5

Behind the Scenes 2016

I usually try to blog a Behind the Scenes post at the end of the year, but with all our traveling I was away from my harddrives and couldn’t retrieve any of my images! So, what better way to kick off 2017 on the blog than with incredibly embarrassing photos of myself? I look through […]

Business, Photography

Nov 14

Feature: Southern Weddings Magazine

I’m titling this with “feature” even though I wouldn’t really call one image being “featured” but it fits with my blog series, so I’m going with that. Haha. But you read that right! One of my images made it into Southern Weddings Magazine! Ahhhh! That is like… mind blowing. I’ve been trying so hard to […]

Business, Personal

Aug 19

Feature: Style Me Pretty

In the wedding industry world, getting published and featured is a whole crazy process. Submitting the right images to the right publications with the right details and stories. It can be overwhelming for a young photographer. I started really submitting my work last year. And I got rejected, a lot. It was a difficult season […]

Business, Personal