I’m titling this with “feature” even though I wouldn’t really call one image being “featured” but it fits with my blog series, so I’m going with that. Haha.
But you read that right! One of my images made it into Southern Weddings Magazine! Ahhhh! That is like… mind blowing. I’ve been trying so hard to be featured in print this year. I’ve photographed some absolutely stunning weddings and engagements and have spent countless hours submitting to various publications. And I’ve gotten a whole lot of “thanks but no thanks” responses and it’s been slightly disheartening.
One of those submissions, though, was to Southern Weddings. I saw a post on Instagram back in August asking for a stock image call. They were finishing off their V9 issue and needed some filler images. I spent an afternoon scrolling through my galleries trying to decide which images would be a good fit for SW. I think I submitted over 60 … Yes you read that correctly. 60. I sent my email with zero expectations because I mean, it’s Southern Weddings Magazine! And went about my life.
Well one September afternoon in the mist of all our traveling, packing, and moving, I got an email from Southern Weddings saying that they wanted to use one of my images in their magazine! Say what?!?!!? I think my jaw dropped to the floor. I couldn’t believe it.
And in a whirlwind of unpacking some boxes to find my externals to email the high resolution file and electronically signing some print releases and there it was finished. I was going to have an image in Southern Weddings Magazine V9. I had no idea where it would be used or how large it would be, but it was going to be in there and that was enough for me.
V9 was released Thursday and I bought my copy Friday. I squealed a little in the store as I found my image on page 240. It may be small and my name may just be in a big block of text on the credits page, but I’M IN THERE.
Yay! I know this is probably lame, but it’s a big deal for this little ol’e country gal.
A huge thank you to Robert & Shannon for letting me do their engagements and for being absolutely adorable. 🙂