
November 17, 2022

Life Update: 2022 Announcement

It’s life update time! If you came here from Instagram, then you know the news! If not, surprise! Our lives are about to get that much more chaotic, hahaha. Baby Johnson #3 is due to arrive in February 2023. We are all so excited and I don’t even know where to begin as a type.

First, I know this will get lost in the excitement of the baby, but today Matt and I celebrate 10 years of marriage. Wow! We’ve been married a whole decade and that is crazy to me. It has been an absolute joy being Matt’s wife for 10 years and to experience life with him. We’ve truly grown up together and I love that part of our love story. Now on to the baby news…

If you’ve read my personal blog posts before, you know our journey to parenthood looked a little different than most. After praying and trusting in the Lords timing, I was content with the thought of being a two kid mom. I came from a two kid home. Matt came from a two kid home. That just felt natural for us. But after 2021 with the loss of my grandmothers and a whole host of other people, the Lord started putting a third child on my mind. I would make jokes with Matt about a third child (which is very unlike me). I started chatting with all my friends who had 3 (which is A LOT!). And slowly over the course of 2021, I felt the strong call of the Lord to trust Him with the possibility of a third child. Matt being the patient, chill, God-trusting spouse was also on board. We knew that if this is what the Lord desired for our family, He would make it happen. And that He did, very quickly!

I woke up one morning in mid-June feeling eerily nauseous, exactly the same as when I was pregnant with Irene. Day after day, I felt nauseous, and much faster than I anticipated, my stomach started “pooching” out. I had been actively working on losing baby weight April-June and was tracking a million things. My stomach was one of those things and I thought the pooch peculiar as well as the sudden spike in my resting heart rate starting in late May. With all those things combined, I knew but was in denial. I went until nearly the end of June before I took a test. We were planning to travel to visit family in July, so it forced me to take a test to confirm before we told everyone because again, I was so nauseous and there was no way I could hide that for 2 weeks.

Now we’re over 6 months later eagerly anticipating the arrival of this new family member! I know there are still lots of questions, so here are a few quick answers!

  1. How are you feeling? This is a loaded question. Me and pregnancy aren’t bffs. I have good days and bad days and sleep is fleeting. We’ll leave it there! Thank goodness it’s just temporary!
  2. Do you know if baby is a boy or girl? Nope! We were surprised with Valerie’s birth and that was so much fun we wanted to do it again. Valerie thinks baby is a girl while, for some reason, Irene is adamant it’s a boy. I’m leaning girl, but I thought both girls were boys so I am not a reliable source, haha.
  3. How far along are you? 28 weeks. Hello third trimester!
  4. Are you still doing photography? YES! Y’all, I absolutely love my job and am not hanging up anything. I desire to grow this business and continue capturing amazing legacies of marriage for many years to come. <3

Please enjoy some photos we had done in our neighborhood in October. I am usually anti-fall family photos because Matt and I were married in the fall and if we ever do anniversary sessions it’s always with fall color, which is beautiful, but gets dull year after year. But this year, the colors were so amazing, we HAD to embrace it. We actually had a beautiful 60+ degree day for these photos. A huge thank you to my friend Lyle for capturing these. Also enjoy a few 35mm Portra 400 shots at the end. I’ve been playing with some film and have some exciting things coming with that in 2023.