I’ve been blogging on Matt’s birthday for a few years now, and I love looking back and remembering what stuck out to me about celebrating that milestone with him.
First, let me just state the obvious. Happy Birthday, love! I am SO SO SO thankful you were born and that the Lord decided you’d be my husband long before we knew. Marrying you has been the greatest gift and I look forward to many more birthday celebrations and homecooked birthday meals. 🙂
This season of reflection on Matt and his life and our marriage has heavily been about thankfulness for who he is. I’ve just seen so much sadness, bitterness, and anger in so many relationships lately that it makes me extra content and grateful for Matt. I never worry about him not forgiving me or lashing out in anger or trying to get even or anything! Yes, we disagree and hurt each others feelings, but that’s really the extent of the negative. We always work it out because we know that at the end of the day, we are on the SAME TEAM.
Being rooted in our faith in Jesus Christ, let’s us know that our ultimate goal is the same. We want to honor the Lord with our lives, marriage, and relationship. We want Him to be glorified and we want to help draw each other into a closer relationship with him. And that’s done by doing daily life together: all of it. So when we fail and don’t handle situations the best, we know that we are forgiven by our Savior and can therefore forgive each other because we know we are so undeserving of the Father’s love.
Knowing all that and living it with Matt these last 5 years as husband and wife have made our relationship so much stronger and ultimately more peaceful and fun!
Hitting 28 means that when rounded you are closer to 30 than 25. Ah! Haha. I love growing older with you and am so excited for the years and birthdays to come. <3
Photo by Kelli Lynn Photography