
November 9, 2021

Off-Season 2021

Karyn Johnson Photography has officially entered the off season! It’s always a bitter-sweet time. I love my job and photographing weddings, but a break is always welcome! The off-season break is extra special these days with two little girls at home. Getting to spend the holidays with them and extended family is for sure one of the best perks of having an off season. I miss a lot during the spring, summer, and fall, but winter is a lot of family fun!

This off season, I have so many thoughts and ideas of ways to elevate Karyn Johnson Photography. It’s no surprise to anyone that I’ve been dedicating a lot of time to having babies over the last 3 years. But now that the girls are older, I’m able to begin to put more time into my business again and I can’t wait. I have this “business itch” that I am so excited to finally scratch again. Is that a weird analogy? Probably, but hey you’re here for my quirkiness, right? 🙂

First up on my list is a new website! This sweet little space has served me well for about…. 5 years. Wow! How has it been that long? But yes I worked with my amazing friend, Elise, with Mark Brand Boutique to design this website back in 2016/2017 when we moved to Louisville. And now it’s time for a change! I feel like I’ve grown as a photographer and have a lot more to share. I will of course keep y’all updated as this thing gets going, but I am super excited about it!

Another off-season task I’ve given myself is to actually create an office for myself. Right now I have my desktop set up in the corner, but it’s a total disaster everywhere else. The office has been a playroom/guest room/catchall room after our downstairs renovation. And as you know, you renovate and move things back, but not everything goes back and then you have to figure out what to do with those leftovers. Well, we haven’t dealt with that yet and I plan to this off season! I need organization in my physical office life and that’s what I plan to do. I’ve got some beautiful black and white prints to hang along with a sweet canvas my friend Dani White Fine Art painted. So, I think it’s going to look so pretty! Pictures will follow once things happen!

I have lots of little projects that I won’t share, but the last big off season project I want to accomplish is our family yearbook! I was so good at doing our yearbooks before kids. And now after it’s just hard! Mostly because I am a photographer and have high standards for photos! Haha. Honestly, I’ve done a great job keeping up with the photos I’ve taken with my camera. It’s just all the phone photos that have me backed up! If I’m creating an album, the photographer in me needs the photos to look consistent, which means I have to edit allllllll the phone photos. And that’s a lot! I spent last Christmas finalizing my 2018 photos, but then my laptop died in January and it was a whole big thing. And trying to do any work, let alone personal work, on a desktop with 2 kids is hard! I actually just got a working laptop last week, YAY!, and hope to get at least 2018 and 2019 complete! Again, photos will follow as progress happens!

I’m sitting here on my laptop typing as the kids watch tv (mom of the year). I’m by a window with all the pretty fall leaves dropping to the ground and the sun shining brightly on my legs. As I put my fingers to the keys, my heart is so full. I cannot express how much I love blogging and slowing my thoughts to formulate real, organized paragraphs and not just the normal jumble of words swirling in my head. Blogging is a joy for my heart and I hope to keep it up after the baby hiatus. I missed it!

I wish you a happy week and many sweet autumn blessings!