
May 10, 2017

5 Years Later – Reflecting on May 10, 2012

I’m a dates girl; always have been. I love dates. In school, I loved history and learning about dates of historical events and in my own life I love dates of my own personal “historic events.”

This has especially been true since meeting and dating and marrying Matt. We have so many significant dates (that only I really remember, but that’s ok 😉 ). Our wedding, when we met, the dating anniversary, our first kiss and “I love you”, and our proposal.

It’s kind of comical to me, but I remember our proposal so much more clearly than our wedding day. Maybe that’s because it was a much shorter experience (lol) or maybe it’s because it wasn’t planned (on my end) and so how it unfolded isn’t blurred with a timeline. Regardless, our proposal almost feels like yesterday… or just a few weeks ago, haha.

You can read the actual “proposal story” on Facebook here.

Now that I’m 5 years post this amazing day, it’s hard to remember life before it. For 5 years, I’ve gone from “my life” to “our life” and I love it. I have loved every minute of being half of a whole in marriage. It’s not always rainbows and sunshine, but the good far outweigh the bad.

Sometimes I wonder why the Lord decided to bless us in our marriage because it’s so great. Matt and I get along so, so well. We really are best friends and I have no idea how anyone can keep a marriage together without that kind of closeness, trust, and safety. I can go to Matt on my worst and best days and know that he will always be there to encourage and love me… whether or not this is done in the way I see fit in a different story, haha. But he’s always there and I’m so thankful for him.

5 years isn’t all that long in the grand scheme of my 27 year life, but I’m looking forward to the time when that 5 years is the majority of my life.

Matt, thank you for intentionally researching and buying my favorite engagement ring, watching the weather for 3 months for a clear night, lying to me about having dinner with my parents to ask for their permission, making me get up at 4am to go star gazing, and getting down on one knee to ask me to be your wife. These 5 years have been wonderful and I love being Mrs. Matthew Johnson. <3 Happy proposal-versary!

Photo circa 2012 via Brady Fournier!