
November 22, 2016

Top 5 : Favorite Gilmore Girls Episodes

For all you Gilmore Girls fans, I’ve been saving this post for months! It’s been great saying “I have to do research for my blog post” **Karyn sits for hours watching Gilmore Girls** All in the name of research! Haha. And this is what I’ve come up with. My Top 5 Favorite Gilmore Girls Episodes:

1. You Jump, I Jump Jack

Season 5 Episode 7

This is my absolute favorite Gilmore Girls episode. It’s no secret that I’m team Logan, but this is the first episode in which I fell in love with the idea of them together one day. The Life and Death Brigade event with the beautiful candles, tents, dresses, it is so romantic and straight out of a novel. Logan was right. Rory needed a bit of adventure in her life. “People can live a hundred years without living for a minute. You climb up here with me that’s one less minute you haven’t lived.” She was so much like her mother running away from the life of her grandparents, Logan and Yale were a nice bridge for her between those two worlds and I love it. Also, this episode sets up the beginning of Rory and Dean’s demise (yay!) and shows Luke and Lorelai together meeting Richard and Emily officially and showing just how serious they were (yay!).

2.       Friday Night’s Alright for Fighting

Season 6 Episode 13

I love this episode for so many reasons. I love Paris’s [second] meltdown. I love how Logan comes to the rescue with pre-written articles, saving the printing time, and concluding everything with a romantic dinner at Rory’s desk. I love it all. And although I do love the first 33 minutes of the episode, the last 10 minutes make it the best. The Friday Night Dinner slugout. Oh. My. Goodness. So great. “Cocktails, Mozart, mindgames, good times.” It’s such a great sequence of scenes of Emily painting moon-scapes,  bickering about new and old baggage “I can look at a plane if I want to look at a plane” “When you get pregnant, you get married” , laughing about Emily using “her version of the c-word”, and polite chit-chat about current events “How’s Luke?” “He has a kid.” Hil-ar-i-ous.

3.       The Deer Hunter

Season 1 Episode 4

When I watch this episode I feel like I step back in time a bit because of how old scenes set in 2000 look! Haha. This is early on in the series – Rory has just started Chilton and wasn’t doing great yet. She gets a D on a paper and studies crazy hard for a Shakespeare test. But this is one of the episodes that hooked me early on. The first line I remember absolutely loving and literally “lol”ing was when Lorelai backed in to the globe in Max Medina’s classroom and exclaims “What the world?” For some reason that is hilarious to me every single time. Also, Rory’s outburst in class is a classic “The name is RORY.” I also appreciate Lorelai’s rant calling headmaster Charleston “Il Duce”. And finally this was the episode I related to most when we hit a deer last year. It’s not as cool because we didn’t get it BY a deer, but I used the line “it’s dangerous in the car with all the kamikaze deer running around” at the auto body shop and had them all laughing. Thanks GG for making me funnier than I actually am.

4.       Driving Miss Gilmore

Season 6 Episode 21

This episode begins with the iconic arguments over spaghetti and meatballs and Richard’s classic line “Sorry, I left work early today. Apparently it caused everyone’s IQ to drop 60 points.” The episode’s main storyline is Emily having “bad lasik” and Lorelai driving her around while she runs errands. Their banter together is so well written and funny. “That’s not a car. It’s a rap video set” “I haven’t been strafed in years” “I’m in a tank pal. Come and get me.” So great. The creative lines are just part of why I love this episode. This is when Lorelai opens up with Emily about the problems she and Luke are having and I think it’s long overdue. And while I do like the other storylines, Logan getting out of the hospital, Mitchum mentioning Rory in the New York Times, Liz being pregnant, the sub-plot of Sookie and Jackson makes this episode for perfect. “The Templton Brothers” “I told them to weed the back half-acre. They’re not the smartest of fellows.” Oh my gosh. I laugh at of their scenes. Just a few of my favorite Sookie lines: “Said the people trying to ditch a kilo of weed.” “We’re going to hell.” “Sixty-eight pounds of marijuana.”

5.       The Big One

Season 3 Episode 16

Paris is one of my favorite characters. ASP did a great job writing and developing her character and this is the episode that put her on the GG map for good. Her [first] meltdown after not getting into Harvard at the bizarre C-Span presentation is perfect. So, so great. The dialog, the hair, the acting. Perfection. Rory and Paris also grow their friendship even more in this episode too, which is sweet and shows a different side of Rory that we don’t see frequently in the early Rory days. The episode concludes with Rory getting into Harvard and all the other schools she applied to. Thus begins the decision of choosing where to spend her next 4 years. The sub plot of the Max-Lorelai storyline is super cute even if I root for Luke in the end and makes this episode round off my top 5.

Some Honorable Mentions:

Farewell, My Pet

Season 7 Episode 14

I know a lot of people don’t like season 7, but I actually really do. I love how far all the characters have come and the progression of their stories. I especially love this episode because of the plot progression. This is the episode Lorelai and Chris officially break up for good. I think they needed this in the story so that he could be written off and Lorelai could be totally devoted to Luke later on. I also ADORE the scenes between Logan and Rory in this episode. When Rory thinks that she “broke” Logan because of how much they have changed and grown together. How they “belong to each other.” It’s just so sweet.

Written in the Stars

Season 5 Episode 3

This episode is a favorite because of the Luke and Lorelai romance developments. When Luke pulled out that horoscope he kept for 8 years… my heart burst. “I’m all in.” Love it! However this episode didn’t make it into the top 5 because of Dean. Ugh.

And those are my top 5 +2 favorite episodes of Gilmore Girls. I’m so excited about the reboot and can’t wait to watch it! Due to Thanksgiving and traveling, I won’t be watching it until next Monday. I know, I know. But I think it will be well worth the wait! In the meantime, tell me, what are your favorite Gilmore Girls episodes?