
February 19, 2018

My 28th Birthday

Today I turn 28. !!?!??! Twenty-eight has always seemed so old to me. You are officially closer to 30 than 25 when rounding and you’ve been out of high school for 10 YEARS. Say what?! That blows my mind. I still feel 17 on the inside, and I am always wondering how in the world I got from that shy, quiet, creative, goofy girl to who I am today. It’s amazing how time passes so quickly and how everything seems to run together.

Sometimes I do dread turning the number up a tick and getting “older.” But each year is honestly better than the last and I wouldn’t go back for anything. Of course, I miss certain people and events, but who I am today and the people I have in my life today and who they are today is far more a blessing that trying to preserve things from the past.

So today I’ll spend some time reflecting on my age and the many memories I’ve had the privilege of collecting over the years. Matt and I will then go out for dinner to a local Mexican place that has the best burritos. They cover them in cheese sauce and it is SO GOOD. Definitely a treat! And then we’ll just hang out and watch some tv and enjoy each others company while Matt doesn’t study. Haha. We keep birthdays simple and I love that.

Here’s to another year and all that we have in store. I’m so excited for 2018 and all it will bring, but first, this cheese drenched veggie burrito is calling my name! 🙂