As I alluded to in my post yesterday, one of the biggest changes to my website (other than design) is the addition of Her Heart is Glad. In college, I blogged religiously. It was how I processed my thoughts and documented priceless moments. Blogging was an incredible outlet for me and was so much fun! However, after college and starting my photography business, my personal blog fell by the wayside. Blogging became more of a chore; I had to plan out posts (which I did poorly) and think of relevant content for my business (which I also did poorly). I wasn’t able to just blog what was on my heart.
So, when daydreaming of updating my website, I toyed with the idea of adding a lifestyle blog. Words and slowing down my thought process is such an outlet for me, and it seems to be well received. Every time I posted personal posts on my blog, they are always the most visited posts, which is crazy! It is so humbling to know that people read my blog, but are also here for more than just pretty pictures. You, the readers, care about my heart and that makes me glad!
Her Heart is Glad began nearly a decade ago when I created my AIM name. My heart was something that grew and changed a lot over the years, as it does for everyone, but no matter which stage I’ve been in my heart is always glad because of Christ. There’s an old hymn “He Has Made Me Glad” and it’s been a base for Her Heart is Glad since the beginning back in 2008. No matter what happens, my heart is glad because of Christ.
What can you expect from this new lifestyle blog? There may be posts of life updates, projects, travels, and cooking. But there may also be posts here that are short, bursts of thoughts, posts here that ramble, and posts that are deep and/or boring, haha. This little space on the Internet will just be a home for my heart: unplanned, personal, and heartfelt.
I won’t advertise these posts on Facebook and Instagram like I do my business posts. This space isn’t for that right now. It’s just for me to write my heart, for you to keep up with Matt and I as we live life far away from home, and to maybe help someone along the way who has the same kind of thoughts. 🙂
So if you’d like to keep up with Her Heart is Glad, be sure to check back periodically for new posts or start using a content organizer like Bloglovin or Feedly which update you whenever the blogs you follow publish new posts. I’m thankful to have so many people from the past and present who love Matt and I so much. Thanks for coming along for the ride!